Yamaha QuieTech EFI Gas Gars are as silent as Electric Golf cars

May. 18 2020 News By Sherah Larez

Yamaha offers a variety of different vehicles in ever-increasing colors and styles, but the launch of the Yamaha QuieTech EFI is the start of something new.

Yamaha QuieTech EFI gas car is a revolutionary invention in which Yamaha has managed to combine the quietness of an electric vehicle with the profitability and dependability of a gas car. The QuieTech EFI is significantly quieter than the competition’s gas models and almost as quiet as the competition’s electric models—the different being of only 2 decibels. No other gas car has ever gotten this close to the silence of an electric vehicle before. With an imaginative play on words, Yamaha boasts that the QuieTech EFI is the most sound business decision that made for a golf course.

Why Bother with a Silent Gas Car?

A golf course can be very noisy, but it can also be a very serene setting with the sound of birds and the wind, of the club hitting a ball—and, occasionally, of someone yelling “FOUR.” A golf course covers a great deal of land. However, the noise of others can easily obscure the sounds of nature. Yamaha wanted players to ride in a car that matches this feeling and avoid contributing to the noisy aspect of a golf course because golf is primarily a relaxing and luxury sport.

As a result, Yamaha discovered that the main detracting factor from the gas option for golf carts was the noise. Drivers prefer the power, reliability, and operating cost of the gas cars, but would compromise for an electric vehicle in order to reduce the noise. Thus, it only made sense to eliminate this detracting factor.

Yamaha hasn’t completely closed the gap with electric cars, but it is still conducting tests so that one day it will not only be almost as silent as electric cars, but just as silent and, who knows, maybe even quieter still. To the untrained ear, the difference of 2 decibels is virtually undetectable.

What Else Does the Yamaha QuieTech EFI Offer?

The Yamaha QuieTech EFI is almost as silent as electric cars, but it is overall more economical than electric vehicles. Choosing the Yamaha QuieTech EFI, even though it is a tiny bit louder, saves the owner money and offers the industry’s smallest carbon footprint—all while increasing the vehicle’s performance.

Yamaha QuieTech EFI is equipped with the first independent rear suspension system ever built for use in a golf car. The technology is in collaboration with Yamaha’s ATV line. The name of the golf cart also indicates its Electronic Fuel Injection system (EFI): EFI technology allows superior gas mileage, easier cold starts, and the industry’s smallest carbon footprint. These features mean it saves money and saves the environment, but runs smoothly and quietly.

Introducing a gas car that is as silent as an electric gold car allows Yamaha to appeal to both gas and electric customers alike with the promise of being the overall most economical option on the market.